Thursday 3 March 2011

Brodie Hope Evaluation Question 4

The first form of technology we used in our project was the internet. We used this to do all of our research on music video's, we also used it to research for our ancillary tasks. We also used youtube to view other music videos for inspiration and used google images to look at music artists album covers. The internet was also used to publish all our findings on blogger. It was mainly used for researching and inspiring us for our music video.

If we didn't have certain technology our media project would not have been done, this therefore means that it was an essential part of our project. We had training in every aspect of technology going from, lighting training all the way to being able to use an apple mac. Without the technology we were able to use the music video would not have been recorded. Our video consisted of us dancing around and singing in fancy dress costumes, i was the first to get hold of my fancy dress costume so we did a lot of filming quite soon and focused on cutting it down into a rough edit. We then had to wait a while for Joel to get his costume, once he got hold of his costume we did the same thing got as much footage as we could so then we could cut a lot down into a rough edit. Then the same with max's footage. We thought that if we got a lot of footage at once we would find it easier to edit clips together. The main programme used throughout the whole project had to be 'final cut express'. This is what was used to do all of the editing, this was what allowed us to cut all our footage and leave us with the 'good footage'. Getting footage onto final cut was easy you just plugged the video camera in and clicked file capture then let it play through until it was all captured on final cut. Once the footage was on final cut you just had to drag the piece of footage you wanted onto the time line. We wanted our footage to be silent so that the song was played over it. This was easy to do you just had to lock the clip, then delete the audio which was underneath the clip. When this was done you could then unlock the footage so that you could begin doing more to the clip. Once you had made a change to your clip or footage it needed to be rendered so that you could watch what had been completed. This was what I found difficult, all that I needed to do was select the footage select sequence and then render and then render all. We did a lot of messing around with the green screening, it involved lowering tones and messing around with colour changer until the whole background of the clip was checker-boarded so that then we could add images to the background.

For our ancillary tasks we used 'Photoshop' and 'Indesign' these programmes were simple to use. 'Indesign' was the programme which we used most, we used colour correcter to make the person in the photo go darker in some of the photographs, and we made one of the bodies go black and white whilst the background was still i colour. We also used 'indesign' to add fonts to the ancillary tasks, we had to use to download more texts as we thought that there was a limited number of fonts on 'Indesign'. We found it easy uploading images onto our blog, all that was needed was to change the style of the image and then export it, and save. Once it was saved you just uploaded it like it was any other image.

By Brodie Hope

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Brodie Hope Evaluation Question 1

  • When creating our music video one of the main concepts we thought about was whether we should challenge or conform to the typical conventions of a music video. On the whole we challenged the conventions. However there are certain parts where we have conformed e.g having close ups on the lead singer.
  • Of course most music video's that are shown on music channels have large budgets. However we are in contrast to this we had a video camera lent to us from college and we had a basic studio in college were a lot of our footage was filmed, and the rest of our shots for the music video were filmed on location.
  • Most indie music video's are generally filmed either on location or are live footage from festivals, this is because they go for the more basic look, and film in streets etc. This is so that they can appeal to there target audience.
  • We didn't really follow this look in our music video as we decided to challenge most conventions, we dressed each other up in fancy dress and put suitable backgrounds behind each other this involved a lot of green screening, we had such costumes as braveheart, scooby doo, and bananas in pajamas.
  • Many bands use instruments in video's to push forward there image and show talent. We did this for a short period of time in our video, we showed Joel playing the guitar in a short clip.
  • Andrew Goodwin's theory states that lyrics match the video on screen this applied to our video as it mentions heroines and heroes on the tv screen, I am dressed as braveheart which is a hero in the film, and Joel is dressed as scooby doo which is a cartoon hero.
  • Nick Lacey says that every type of media offers something similar but different which in our case is quite true we have a band which is suitable of that genre whereas our video doesn't conform to the genre.
  • Maslows hierarchy of needs theory does apply to our music video in a sense because it makes them feel better because it is a happy up-beat song. However you could argue against that because some people like seeing other people depressed so that their life seems better.
  • Bloc Party 'Flux' has a very similar entertainment factor to the video like ours does. It has people dancing around in costumes which entertains the viewer. The video 'goodbye Mr a' by the Hoosiers also does this. The majority of these two video's is done in a studio as is ours. Although we have some location shots whereas there video's don't.
  • The location of our video is coming in from a night out back to our friends house, however a lot of the video was done in the studio which doesn't conform to our genre. However the use of drugs in the video and the hallucinating that is going on explains what is happening. However the drug taking is typical of an indie band.
  • There were two music video's that inspired us Bloc Party- Flux, Also the Orphan Boy- Trophies of love. We liked the idea of using costumes like Bloc Party did in the video flux we thought it worked well and entertained the viewer we felt that it made you want to watch the video again. However we liked the start of the video by Orphan Boy as we found it stereotypical of an indie band, we thought that we still had to keep some conventions in the video otherwise it wouldn't have worked and you wouldn't have known what sort of band we were attempting to be.
By Brodie Hope